Knox Cave Early articles 1933 - 1960
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Articles about Knox Cave
- Knox Cave article June 19, 1927 Estate of Julius Morris, Ada Morris Robinson's father
- Knox Cave article February 15, 1933 Huge Cavern Uncovered
- Knox Cave article March 3, 1933 Knox Cave Found to Contain Large Chambers
- Knox Cave article May 23, 1933 Public to see Knox Cave Memorial Day
- Altamont Enterprise June 23, 1933 article on recently opened cave
- Knox Cave article August 11, 1933 Altamont Enterprise article on milk strike meeting
- Altamont Enterprise October 19, 1934 Robinson Writes About Capital Distract Caves
- Knox Cave August 31, 1934 Altamont Enterprise Advertisement for Knox Cave
- Knox Cave article September 7, 1934 Altamont Enterprise article on raising money by selling cave debris
- Knox Cave article March 3, 1933 Knox Cave Found to Contain Large Chambers
- Knox Cave article March 10, 1933 New York Times - Cave Discovered
- Knox Cave article May 12, 1933 Knox Cave Grand Stairway Found
- Altamont Enterprise March 22, 1935 Knox Cave recreation center
- Knox Cave article December 13, 1935 Altamont Enterprise article on Knox Cave basketball league
- Knox Cave Article August 22, 1936 Schenectady union Star - Mormon Tablets
- Knox Cave article September 16, 1936 D. C. Robinson Visits Sister, Mrs. Harold Smith
- Knox Cave article August 13, 1937 Altamont Enterprise article on speed skating at the Knox Cave roller rink
- Altamont Enterprise May 20, 1938 Knox Cave advertisement
- Knox Cave article June 17, 1938 - Altamont Enterprise Knox Cave ham radio show
- Knox Cave article July 18,1941 Knox Cave dance advertisement
- Knox Cave article December 10, 1942 Obituary for Eva Robinson, D. C. Robinson's mother
- Knox Cave article July 22, 1944 - Knox cave roller Skate ad
- Knox Cave article June 14, 1946 - Altamont Enterprise Knox Cave site of Boy Scout Camporee
- Knox Cave article October 22, 1948 - Altamont Enterprise Knox Cave site of Republican Club gathering
- Knox Cave article August 19, 1949 Knox Cave may be blasted close
- Knox Cave article September 13, 1949 Speleologists protest closing of Knox Cave
- Altamont Enterprise September 23, 1949 Knox Cave closing
- Knox Cave article July 1, 1950 Knox Cave will open on 10-day trial period
- Altamont Enterprise April 24, 1953 Knox Cave Ad
- Knox Cave article July 29, 1955 Knox Cave News - Record sales and race track proposal
- Knox Cave article May 18, 1956 Knox Cave offer to open passage
- Knox Cave article July 18, 1958 Knox Cave NOT a bomb shelter
- Knox Cave article February 13, 1953 Knox Cave needs rink manager
- Knox Cave article May 13, 1955 - Altamont Enterprise - Cave might be a bomb shelter
- Knox Cave article October 13, 1958 Knox Cave marriage
- Knox Cave article November 14, 1958 Knox Cave tours explanation