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Cemeteries and family burial grounds in the Town of Rensselaerville.[1]

  • Boardman Cemetery
  • Cheese Hill Road - near farm of Hillicoss - Tax Map #147-1-10
  • Episcopal Church Cemetery - in hamlet of Rensselaerville, on old Albany Hill Rd
  • Hagadorn Cemetery - South of Rt 357, west of Ten Mile Creek on land of Gene Kellam
  • Medusa Cemetery - near where Rt 403 meets Rt 351
  • Potter Hollow Cemetery - near Church on Scott Patent Rd. out of hamlet of Potter Hollow
  • Preston Hollow Cemetery - near Baptist Church in hamlet of Preston Hollow on Rt 145
  • Quaker Cemetery
  • Rensselaerville Cemetery - in hamlet of Rensselaerville, on Methodist Hill Rd
  • Roney Road - at right angle in Roney Rd in field on right of a long abandoned road that went up to Travis Rd.
  • Shafer-Miller Burying Ground
  • Shaw Burying Ground - Schnible Farm, Fleming Rd., Rensselaerville, Albany Co., New York. Possible this cemetery sits on top of a hill behind a very old rock wall. On the left side just a few feet up the road is possibly the home of the owner of the farm land surrounding the Shaw Burying Ground. The home is a two story colonial style wood sided home which possibly dates before 1800. Further research with local historians will be necessary to locate the Shaw Burying Ground.[2]
  • Snyder Cemetery - East of Ten Mile Creek on land of Eveleen Olson

Cemetery maps

At Albany County Hall of Records, Book 20 (on aperture cards in vault)


  1. The basic source was an inventory compiled by the late Larry Jackson that listed 13 cemeteries and family burial grounds in Rensselaerville.
  2. http://www.dunfeeinfo.com/howland_medium.htm