Page 11 - Quay Cemetery
Jacob, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Weisel, died March 9th, 1814, aged 13 years, 1 month and 4 days
Henry Schoonmaker, died Jan. 15, 1859, aged 83 years, 9 months
J 0 Seneth, first wife of henry Schoonmaker, died March 7, 1816, aged 39 years
Sarah, second wife of Henry Schoonmaker, died Aug. 28, 1834, aged 48 years, 5 months and 11 days
Seneth M•S•M, was born Aug. 22, 1881, departed this lire Dec. 24, 1884.
Sheridan, son of Simeon and Susan Fairlee, died Aug. 4, 1868, aged 3 years,
months, 11 days
- Little Shurdy we miss thee
Libbie, daughter of Simeon and Susan Fairlee, died Aug. 4, 1866, aged 12 years , (?) months and 22 days
Oh, there I'll be an angel
And with the angels stand
A crown upon my forehead
A harp within my hand
Catherine, wife of Henry VanAuken, died Feb. 14, 1831, in the 57 year of her age
In memory of Rachel Emuline Pinkney, wife of Benjamin VanAuken, who died March 24, 1846, aged 86 years, 7 months, and 7 days
P. Hood, Schd
James VanAuken, died May 9, 1886, aged 81 years, 8 months, and 27 days
Elizabeth, wife of James VanAuken, died May 29, 1865, aged 64 years, 4 months and 11 days
Dearest Mother, thou has left us
And thy loss we deeply feel
But tis God that Hath bereft us
He can all our sorrows heal
John H., son of James and Elizabeth VanAuken, died March 9, 1861(?), aged 23 years, 5(?) months and 11 days
Remember youth as you pass by
As you are now so once was 1
As I am now soon you must be
Prepare for death and follow me