Kenrose Preserve

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The Kenrose Preserve is located west of the hamlet of Berne, off Bradt Hollow Road and Bridge Road just past Bradt Hollow School, District No. 17


The Preserve is owned and managed by the Nature Conservancy.


The Kenrose Preserve consists of 860 acres donated to the Nature Conservancy by the family of Kenneth Rose McAplin. This overgrown former farmland is maturing into wooded terrain and, according to a guidebook called Natural Areas of Albany County, is home to wildflowers such as jack-in-the pulpit, wild geranium, panada mayflower, red trillium, partridgeberry, baneberry, trout lily, hepatica, spring beauty, and Solomon's seal pussytoes. Nature Conservancy literature about the preserve notes that elcampane and St. Johnswort are among the plants that bloom in the summer.

Trees include hophornbeam, American, beech, and shagbark hickory.

Bleated woodpeckers, wild turkey, porcupines, whitefooted mice, fox, coyote, and deer, along with many other animals, live on the preserve.


The Nature Conservancy prohibits destruction of any plants and wildlife found on the preserve. In general hunting is not allowed. Neither is camping. Visitors are encouraged to stay on the trails so as not to damage delicate habitats.