Knox Cave article March 10, 1933

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New York Times 1933


Passages Extend From Thacher Park to Cobleskill Albany, March 10

Believed to Le part of a huge chain of underground passe ges forty idles long, cavern a mile in length and 200 feet below the earth's level has been uncovered in the Helderberg Mountains. The underground chain of passages stretches from hales Cave in John Boyd Thacher Park to Howe's Caverns, near Cobleskill.

Explored recently by Burdell J. Truax, on whose farm near Knox it is located, and a party of five men, the new cave yielded a dusty, partly rotted pine torch and a broken ladder found sixty feet from the entrance. These were believed to have- been left by Professor Sias, of Schoharie Academy, during his Helderberg, explorations in the summer of 1879.

Five passages , about six feet wide, lead from the main chamber, which is forty feet square and shaped like a dome. Off one of the passages is a lake in which one member of the exploring party waned to his waistline. Stalactites, icicle-shaped forms of calcium carbonate caused by water carrying the ingredients through the rocks, hang from the passages and chambers, some several feet long, Truax and his party report.

Thousands of bats were found clinging to the rock walls, some clustered in bunches as large as an ordinary hat.