Hiltsley, Wendell S.
Marriage & Children
WINDSOR, Vt. The Rev. Wendell S. Hiltsley, 85, died July 15 (1998) at the Cedar Hill Health Care
Center in Windsor, Vt.
Rey. Hiltsley was born March 9, 1913, in Knox, son of the late Arthur Hiltsley and Edith Dexter Hiltsley.
a supply preacher. That was what
consumed his life, making sure
people kftew thp Lord. Dad was
very mujch consumed by the second
comingof Christ:6 He preached .
on it a lot,, and felt, that people
were riot gearing theirlives to the
• ' • r " &•* -v
17 1/2 F ! ^ GLASSTRON •'
Trihuli Mercu% 175, witfi pow0r
trim EZ loader trailer. $15bi)^469r
He was trained for the ^turiistry at rfact that Christ'was coming again:
the Practical Bible Training Schobl "He could fix anything," Mrs.
in BibleSche<)l^rlE<BrQonie Co;);
received his bachelors degree from
SXJNY Orieprita, and his master's
degree from J3TJNY i^lbahy..
Rev. Hiltsley was n^arried Aug.
8, 1943V to Ha^el* iElizabeth
Gardiner, who^ied Aug, 2JS, 199$.
He wasordairied to the ministry
in JPrestori Hollow iri 1940y arid
served both his first and last pastorat|
s in Greeriville ip$riter Baptist
Church. He was alsoarieduca^
tor, and served as elementary
school teacher, guidattce qpunse^
lor, or principal in various school
districts, including Greeftviiie and
Schoharie. He, also worked iri the
Aucqmpaugh continued, "He invented
all kinds of stuff. When we
were little, he invented a baby
" carriage that wouktgo in either
direction, arid he riaade car beds
for us kids t h a t stacked, one ons
top of the other i|; . °
v Survivors include toe son, the
Rev. Thomas Hiltsley of.Spririgfield,
Vt/; one daughter| Betty
Aucompaugh of Patitersonvilie
(Scheftectady CoO; four grandchil-
/dreri — Darcy and Derek Aucoinpaugh,
and Heathier arid Weridelf
Hiitsleyj and several nieces an$
riephews. ,!
F(!»ler?il services were Monday
Capital Chrlstiaft Academy and at the First Baptist Church in
other Chri$tian schools, He arid
his Vnte started Christian schools
in Washington DC., Michigan, and
"Dad loved to preach," said his
daughter, Betty Au0mpaugh. "He
preached in a whole lot of churches,
not as a full-time preacher, but as
Westerlo. Airarigements are by
Fredendall Funeral Home in Altamoiit.
Burial was iriyan^echten
Cemetery in Pattersonyille.
Memorial coritributions may be
made to the Practical Bible Col-,
lege, PO Box 601, Bible School
Park, MY 13737.
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